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2020-08-17 11:22:14



《苏州河》由著名制作人Bob Erzin亲自操刀制作、并协同著名影视音乐人于飞、金牌作词尹约、张承及国际顶级管弦乐队,共同打造了这首兼具深远寓意与动人旋律的单曲,完成了一场跨越时空、高唱和平与人文关怀的音乐对话。


这首片尾曲改编自传唱广泛的爱尔兰民间小调 ——“伦敦德里小调”(Londonderry Air),而“伦敦德里小调”的旋律,在影片中曾借由士兵以口琴演奏方式呈现于观众面前。音乐监制于飞认为,《八佰》这部犹如史诗般的战争影片发人深省,而这段动人的旋律,恰恰起到了画龙点睛的帮衬效果,于是决定再一次用这个旋律作为片尾曲,首尾呼应,希望借此引发每个人直面内心、直面承诺、直面生命的反思,于是就有了这首重新填词演唱的片尾曲《苏州河》。






八佰 片尾曲 歌词


Remembering ( Adapted from Londonderry Air )



Vocalist : Na Ying/ Andrea Bocelli

作词:张承,尹约,  Bob Ezrin, Shridhar Solanki

Lyrics by Cheng Zhang, Isabel Yue Yin, Bob Ezrin, Shridhar Solanki

音乐制作人:于飞/Bob Ezrin

Music produced by Fei YuBob Ezrin



编曲:Bob Ezrin, John Metcalfe, Andrew Kawczynski

Music by Bob Ezrin, John Metcalfe, Andrew Kawczynski

混音:Toby Alington @ Abbey Road Studios

Mixed by Toby Alington @ Abbey Road Studios

母带:Marc Theriault @ Le Lab Mastering, Montreal

Mastering Engineer : Marc Theriault @ Le Lab Mastering , Montreal


Orchestra: Czech National Symphony Orchestra

管弦乐统筹制作人:John Metcalfe

Orchestra arranged and produced by John Metcalfe

管弦乐录音师: Lewis Jones @CNSO Studio

Orchestra recorded by Lewis Jones at CNSO Studio

波切利人声录音师/录音棚:Pierpaolo Guerini for PPG Studio in S.Pietro Belvedere, Pisa, Italy @Stella Del Norte Studio

Andrea Bocelli vocals engineered by Pierpaolo Guerini for PPG Studio in S.Pietro Belvedere, Pisa, Italy @Stella Del Norte Studio

那英人声录音:倪涵文 @ 55 TEC Studio 21

Na Ying vocal recorded by Han Wen Ni @ 55 TEC /Studio 21

补充音乐工程师:Julian Shank at Anarchy Studios

Additional engineering: Julian Shank at Anarchy Studios

合成器:Andrew Kawczynski 

Synthesizer: Andrew Kawczynski 

补充音序编程:John Metcalfe and Bob Ezrin

Additional programming: John Metcalfe and Bob Ezrin

艺人顾问:Ross Cullum

A&R consultant: Ross Cullum


Lyrics translated by Chen Zhou, Chen Xi Li, Fei Yu

版权:Sugarmusic S.P.A / Almud Edizioni Musicali s.r.l., Dream Studio Music Production US, Inc / 北京大石音乐版权有限公司

Published by Sugarmusic S.P.A / Almud Edizioni Musicali s.r.l., / Dream Studio Music Production US, Inc / Touch Music Publishing Co.Ltd, Beijing


Verse 1


NaYing :

硝烟将尽 尘未远余音萦绕 (I hear your song over the settling dust and smoke)

隔岸相顾 盼愿再无喧嚣 (Face each other across the Suzhou River, we wish for no more clamor of war)

暮色将至 轻吟唱心爱歌谣 (The twilight is up, ballads chanting all around)

待到破晓 奔赴家乡怀抱 (Till the dawn breaks, country roads take us home)



Chorus 1


化作古风  背负青山人未老 (For the winds of peace, we are willing to fight and sacrifice)

挚友已故 精气终究未倒 (Best friends are gone, their spirits forever last)

故土燃烧 守卫者涌向风暴 (Homeland is burning, guardians rush to frontline)

无憾与你相遥 幸而留下微笑 (I can die with no regrets, because your smile always fills my heart)



Verse 2


Andrea :

I lie awake (我辗转反侧)

Beside the rolling water(依偎涓流)

Long for the day(终有一日)

When peace will come for all  (和平将倾人间)

I still recall  (依稀记得)

The smile we gave each other (彼此微笑)

It reminds me of the life we’re fighting for(驱我身赴沙场舍命夺)


Chorus 2


I hear your song(余音萦绕耳畔)

My sister and my brother. It fills my heart(手足回响我心)

It’s with me everywhere(伴我始终)

I won’t forget(难相忘)

Our promise to each other(山盟海誓)

I will remember I am here(勿相忘)

For you were there(与你相遥)




Chorus 3


NaYing :

I will be there (我将至此I’ll stand with you forever(与你永共)

NaYing  + Andrea:

I will be there我将至此)You’ll never be alone(再无寂寥And we will share Our dream of peace together(你我同享和平之梦)

Until the morning comes(愿有朝一日 晨曦映照)

and we are finally home(终还乡)




Chorus 4


NaYing  + Andrea:

I hear your song(余音萦绕耳畔)

My sister and my brother. It fills my heart(手足回响我心)

It’s with me everywhere(伴我始终)

I won’t forget(勿相忘)

Our promise to each other(山盟海誓)




NaYing  + Andrea


无憾与你相遥 幸而留下微笑 (I can die with no regrets, because your smile always fills my heart)

小编:曹艳平 收藏| 举报| 投诉